Sadi Carnot's Legacy - "Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the 2nd law of thermodynamics"

When Sadi Carnot published his "Reflections on the motive power of fire" in 1824, there was no sign that one of the greatest scientific revolutions was about to take place, in a world then dominated by mechanics and optics. Yet, by bringing a conceptual analysis to the practical problem of the steam engine, Sadi Carnot wrote the birth certificate of thermodynamics, and, in particular, its second principle.

Today, thermodynamics has branched out into a multitude of fields and applications, from industrial processes to microscopic systems, and continues to renew our view of science.

Since its origins, thermodynamics has raised as many questions as it has answered.

To celebrate the bicentenary of the "Réflexions", this colloquium aims to bring together members of the thermodynamics community and to invite them to take a critical look at modern thermodynamics and the open questions it raises. The colloquium will be structured around pedagogical presentations introducing the various fields of the discipline. Poster sessions will allow participants to share their work.
The colloquim, focusing on modern thermodynamics, will take place on the week following Carnot Lille 2024, which follows a more historical focus on Sadi Carnot and his publication.
Sponsors Carnot

Sadi Carnot, Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire

“The production of heat alone is not sufficient to give birth to impelling power: it is necessary that there should also be cold; without it, the heat would be useless.”
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