Programme & orateurs

Presentations are intended to bring together the thermodynamics community at large. They will give a pedagogical introduction and overview of diverse aspects of the field. As a silverline, each talk will start from the second law: how is it expressed and used in this context?

Presentation will be 40' long. A round table will be held at the end of each session for general discussion and perspectives.

Long breaks for lunch and coffee will allow further exchanges. Posters will be presented during these breaks to support discussions.

Program overview & confirmed speakers

Session: Introduction
  • History: "Reflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu", Sadi Carnot, 1824
    • Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, Departement of Physics, University of Lille-CNRS, France)
  • Physics: The many faces of entropy
    • Christophe Goupil (Université Paris Cité, LIED, France)
Session:  Thermodynamics paradigms
  • Axiomatic & pragmatic approaches to thermodynamics (provisional title)
    • Erik Aurell (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Out of equilibrium thermodynamics (provisional title)
    • Pierre Gaspard (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
  • Stochastics thermodynamics (provisional title)
    • Christopher Jarzynski (University of Maryland, US)
  • Panel round table (moderated by D. Lacoste & J.E. Wegrowe)
Session:  Small scale thermodynamics
  • Thermodynamics of demons
    • Felix Ritort (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
  • Quantum thermodynamics & coherences (provisional title)
    • Janet Anders (University of Exeter, UK & University of Potsdam, Germany)
  • From classical thermodynamics to quantum energetics
    • Alexia Auffèves (MajuLab, Singapore)
  • Panel round table (moderated by C. Goupil & D. Suchet)
Session:  Large scale thermodynamics
  • Thermodynamics of complex systems
    • Rémi Monasson (LPT, ENS, Ecole polytechnique, France)
  • Climate thermodynamics
    • Didier Paillard (CEA, LSCE, France)
  • Black hole thermodynamics 
    • Éric Gourgoulhon (Observatoire de Paris, LUTH, France)
  • Thermodynamics & living systems
    • Pablo Sartori (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal)
  • Panel round table (moderated by B. Dubrulle & D. Lacoste)
Session:  Applied thermodynamics
  • Heat machines thermodynamics 
    • Michel Feidt (Université de Lorraine, LEMTA, France)
  • Engineering Thermodynamics: Fundamentals and Challenges
    • Milivoje M. Kostic (Northern Illinois University, US)
  • Thermodynamics applied to Gas-Solid Materials Fabrication processes
    • Elisabeth  Blanquet (TOP - SIMAP, Grenoble, France)
  • From Carnot to thermodynamics of solar radiation, via Planck and photovoltaics
    • Tom Markvart (University of Southampton, UK & Centre for advanced photovoltaics, Czech Technical University)
  • Panel round table (moderated by J.N. Jaubert & F. Lanzetta)
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