Venue & logisiticsPresentations will take place in amphi Faurre at Ecole polytechnique, 91120 Palaiseau Poster sessions, coffee breaks and lunch will take place in the Salon d'honneur, close to the Grand Hall. The gala dinner will take place at the Maison des X, 12 Rue de Poitiers, 75007 Paris Access Ecole polytechnique by public transportThere are 2 access points: from the Massy-Palaiseau train station or Lozère station. The RER B and C trains take you to the campus. Get off at "Massy Palaiseau" (using RER B or C) or at "Lozère" (only accessible by RER B). You can prepare and calculate your journey times on the RATP or Vianavigo webpages. FROM MASSY PALAISEAU STATION: TAKE A BUS TO GET TO CAMPUSAt the train station take the TransEssone bus, number 91.06 or 91.10 For École Polytechnique and ENSAE Paris: get off at the Lozère stop. For ENSTA Paris: get off at Les Joncherettes stop. Transessonne bus timetable and 91.06 bus stop map on campus FROM THE LOZÈRE TRAIN STATION: WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMPUSLeave the station by exit 1 “Place de la Gare École Polytechnique”, take the pedestrian walkway and climb the stairs to the top of the platform (300 steps, about 15-20 minutes walk) FROM ORLYOrly airport is close to the Saclay campus (20 minutes by car). You can also access the campus by public transport:
Although all Paris train stations connect to the Plateau de Saclay, the Massy-TGV station is the closest. You can then get to campus by the Albatrans bus 91.06 or 91.10 and get off at the ENSTA Les Joncherettes stop for ENSTA Paris and at the Lozère stop for École Polytechnique and ENSAE Paris (about 10 minutes by bus). Access Ecole polytechnique by car
RestaurationCoffe breaks and lunchs are included for all participants, gala dinner upon reservation. AccomodationA list of hotels close to the campus:
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